Electronic Engineer
I’m an experienced product designer and product support engineer and I am comfortable as part of a product team, or in sole development.
I’m known for meticulous work and research, and for finding opportunities to increase engineering productivity while identifying and averting product crises.
Embedded design and firmware is one of my loves and microcontroller-based environments are fascinating to me. I am very interested in working for companies that design consumer products based around embedded microcontrollers and firmware. I would love to help you create microcontroller platforms that work independently, or in a system.
Just for fun:
Although I have a background in radio electronics repair and support, I haven’t had the chance to investigate software defined radio platforms as yet. I would love the opportunity to work on these, and I have plans to investigate them on my own.
Currently I am evaluating the chipKIT platform from Digilent as a method of controlling an aquaponics system. The chipKIT is based on a Microchip PIC – so I am using MPLAB X and an ICD to program the platform in C++.
Please feel free to download my Electronic Engineer resume (PDF format), or check out my Upwork page and hire me for your freelance work.